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Marianne Remøy

Senior Designer Accommodation | HAV Design

With a paint brush and in complete control

The paintings Marianne makes are her secret – and at the same time, a secret weapon when she’s making and studying three dimensions on a flat piece of paper setting out fixtures, fire and rescue plans on board vessels.

"Drawing and painting probably helps me to be able to read flat drawings and convert them into something that I can see spatially in three dimensions. However that’s merely a bonus. The most important thing about painting with water colors is that it’s relaxing. It’s a way of being able to express your appreciation of nature. Something to do in your spare time."

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From the very start

Marianne Remøy took art at upper secondary school, but found that she was better at technical drawing than drawing freehand and art, so she decided to study engineering at a technical college. And now she ensures that fire fixtures and systems, rescue and safety are interconnected on the vessels designed by HAV Design.

"Interiors are about a lot more than sofas and curtains. It’s about, among other things, ensuring that plans and drawings are done right from the get-go so that you don’t have to change and redo things when building is in progress."

She shares her home with her partner, three children aged 16, 18 and 21, as well as a dog and a cat. The dog, a Danish-Swedish Farmdog, makes sure she gets out on a walk every day be it at home or at their cabin.

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Enjoys new challenges

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Marianne appreciates having her own office at work with plenty of room, all the appliances she needs and peace and quiet to concentrate.

 What’s the best thing about your workplace?

"My office window overlooks Remøy."

She laughs, knowing that she has revealed that she is a home bird and fond of the place she grew up. Luckily there’s an easy cure for this. It’s less than 10 km back home to the island.

Marianne has been employed in Havyard and now in HAV Design for more than 13 years.

"It’s a sure sign that you’re happy at work when you stay in a job as long as I have. What I appreciate most is that I constantly get to learn new things and get new challenges", says Marianne.

When she talks about HAV Design, she also emphasizes how much she enjoys working in a team with lovely colleagues with different backgrounds and expertise, as well as being able to work independently and be shown a lot of trust from the management.

"And of course we get to develop vessels we can be proud of!"

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"It’s a sure sign that you’re happy at work when you stay in a job as long as I have. What I appreciate most is that I constantly get to learn new things and get new challenges, and of course we get to develop vessels we can be proud of!"
Marianne RemøySenior Designer Accommodation | HAV Design